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Adventures in the Glade will have you turning pages as quickly as possible.  This is one of those books that will be hard to put down.   More than 30 reviews on Amazon and they are all 5-star! 

Book 1 - A Trip, A  Tryst, and A Terror​​

Book 2 - Children in the Garden

Book 3 - The Moment of Truth

Book 4 - Revenge!

Book 5 - Redemption 

Book 6 - Revelation 

Adventures in the Glade



Ten-year-old Davy Murray just knows that he is about to experience the worst summer of his entire life.  A remote farmhouse in the Nantahala Mountains of North Carolina, no electronics, a step-dad he can't stand, and a pesky sister who gets on his last nerve are just a few of the minor inconveniences he will have to put up with on the family vacation his mom and step-dad have planned. It will take something this side of miraculous to change Davy's angry, hostile attitude, and transform a family divided into a family united.

Written against the backdrop of an antebellum home deep in the Nantahalas, Martha Orlando writes with insight, warmth and humor as she chronicles the Murray/Hunter family vacation. Blended families and their vacations can be a challenge in the best of circumstances, but when there is an age-old family dispute, an eccentric and mysterious grandfather, and a clever squirrel named Grey to stir the pot, this quiet, relaxing vacation takes on some very unexpected and dangerous turns.  In her first novel, Orlando proves herself a masterful storyteller who understands and affirms the power of family to endure despite great hardship and loss.

-- Lynne Watts, author of The Call and Wyatt, the Wonder Dog (series) 

A Trip, A Tryst and a Terror
Children in the Garden
The Moment of Truth
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Book 4
Book 5
Book 6
Best to Read in Order
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